
Template articles

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Module variations

On this page you can see basic suffixes used in this template.

01The clear suffix is very useful to create banners or images without additional borders, margins and paddings. The clear suffix is also very useful inside the mainbody, mainbody_top and mainbody_bottom module positions.

02For News Show Pro GK5, Tabs GK5, Social GK5 and Image Show GK4 modules please always disable usage of the default CSS styles in the module settings.

03If you want to remove mainbody spaces while using the module instead the component on the frontpage, please add the frontpage suffix.

04For modules which should have bigger width than other modules on the top1, top2, bottom1, bottom2 or bottom3 module position, please add the double suffix. Please remember that this suffix should be applied to the first module in the group. Otherwise it won't work. You can also use the half suffix by the same way.

05If you want to connect the menu item with the login popup please add to that menu item the gkLogin CSS class.

06The News Show Pro GK5 module has additional suffix: darkbar - this suffix is used for creating the dark transparent bar under the first link list item.

07For the module placed on the header_right module position we recommend to use the transparent module suffix.


Joomla! offers three different types of messages. Creatings standard information about Joomla! system is presented depending on a message type as follows:


  • This is a sample message
  • This is a sample of notice message
  • This is a sample of error message

Page break example

Ut dignissim aliquet nibh tristique hendrerit. Donec ullamcorper nulla quis metus vulputate id placerat augue eleifend. Aenean venenatis consectetur orci, sit amet ultricies magna sagittis vel. Nulla non diam nisi, ut ultrices massa. Pellentesque sed nisl metus. Praesent a mi vel ante molestie venenatis.

Donec sed odio dui. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam.